GamerGod Graphics

Description: was a new gaming news portal site started in 2005.  I was brought on staff to be a graphics artist and help work on the layout of the site (seen in this post).  News articles and commentary had featured graphics for the main portal page as well as individual section pages.  These are […]

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GamerGod Gaming Portal

Description: Gaming news and fansite portal.  The site featured a main hub page along with sub-pages for console gaming and several fansite pages for online games. URL: Offline Features: Custom graphics and layout. Completed: 2005 – 2006

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LITH Bark Park Logo

Description: A logo for the Lake in the Hills, IL Bark Park (dog park). URL: N/A Features: Custom logo creation. Completed: 2006

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The PvP Files: Breaking the Game

How the use of mods and add-ons affect online gaming The use of mods and add-ons is very prevalent in online gaming today, whether or not the game designers permit it.  These programs range from the simple (Teamspeak overlay add-on that allows you to see in game who is speaking) and usable by anyone to […]

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The Thrill of the Kill

Virtual kill that is, as in online gaming PvP. I worked from home yesterday because of a dentist appointment in the morning. My work commute is too damn long for me to be able to schedule appointments and get downtown in the same day. So I came home instead. And since it was also a […]

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Serenity (Firefly movie)

I’ve never seen any of the Firefly TV show episodes, mostly because I’m just not that big on watching TV in general. The bits and pieces I’ve caught of the new Battlestar Galactica or Lost have really interested me, but I just don’t pay attention to time/days of the week to remember to watch either. […]

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Familiarity breeds surprising results?

You’ve probably heard the phrase “familiarity breeds contempt.” It usually means that once you become too familiar with something, you eventually begin to feel contempt for it, and no longer consider it worth your time. For gaming, I always assumed that the more familiar you get with a game, the easier it is to play. […]

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GenCon Day Three: “The last, best hope of gamerkind…”

Well, it’s the last hope for me at least. I plan on taking a quick visit to the con today and then hitting the road back towards Chicagoland. I’m glad to be heading back home today because I’m just flat out tired mostly. It’s nothing to do with the hotel or anything like that. In […]

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GenCon Day Two: Thrust into the Light

ARGH!!! Teh Intarweb ate my post! 🙁 So between several sidetrackings, I had put a bit of time into working on my wrapup for today’s GenCon visitation, but thanks to an untimely use of the backspace key while not in the text box lead to the aforementioned post eating. Now I must try to reconstruct […]

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