September 30-in-30 Challenge – Days 11 and 12

So I’m posting late today, mostly because I had to get a good photo of day 11 and finish day 12 first.  I actually had other things to do around the house, hence the not posting until after 9pm my time.  Day 11 took me longer to complete than my usual abstracts, mostly because it’s […]

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September 30-in-30 Challenge – Day 10

And shift in topic and I’m back to my blues and greens.  I’d initially intended something different for this piece.  I have some paper shapes that I wanted to use to absorb the color from a wash and then layer other more color down over that, but it wasn’t working at all.  It did give […]

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September 30-in-30 Challenge – Day 9

Another piece based on yellows and oranges, but even still, I had to include some greens in there, too.  Couldn’t resist!  Part of my untitled landscapey series, which I’ve yet to find a name for.  I felt this one needed the addition of circles in yellow ink, but they aren’t quite so prominent as in […]

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September 30-in-30 Challenge – Day 8

I decided to switch from the blues and greens I’d been using and go with something more fall-like.  I had no plan in mind with this, so when I started adding the lines that became the flowers, it didn’t feel complete.  This time, adding the blue ink lines and dots fit perfectly and I really […]

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September 30-in-30 Challenge – Day 7

After the disaster that was day 6, I’m happy with my experiments for day 7.  Another artist who’s work I really enjoy is Stephanie Law and she tends to incorporate spirals into her works in interesting ways.  I’d been wanting to try something like that out and ended up making an attempt for today’s piece.  […]

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September 30-in-30 Challenge – Day 6

Well, I’ve been hinting about this one and here it is.  As I described it to my husband – “It fell from the ugly tree and hit all the branches on the way down.”  He promptly said he liked it, LOL!  Go figure. I was trying for something like a nebula or a galaxy.. bright, […]

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September 30-in-30 Challenge – Day 5

Went back to what I’d been doing before – layering paint onto paper.  I really should come up with a name for these paintings, because they are definitely done in the same theme/technique/style/whatever and are more than just abstracts.  Only 5 days into the challenge and I’ve noticed something – I’m on a green kick, […]

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September 30-in-30 Challenge – Day 4

Day 4 (which was actually done on day 2.. gotta love working ahead!) is a revisiting of sorts of day 1.  In retrospect, I shouldn’t have started in with the ink on my day 1 piece, but I did and while I’m not thrilled with how it turned out, I do like it overall.  Today’s […]

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September 30-in-30 Challenge – Day 3

So I actually started this piece on day 1 and finished it late on day 2, but it’s for day 3.  Go figure.  I also completed day 4 but that gets it’s own post. 🙂 So for this piece I honestly had an idea and a plan of what I wanted to do.  What I […]

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