The Weight of a Name

What exactly is the weight of a name?  It’s hard to say, for me, considering so many of my paintings are “Untitled”. I know of other artists who start with a seed word, or an idea / concept, or maybe even a phrase, before they starting creating. For me, that’s now usually the beginning. I […]

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Organization – or the Productivity of Years

I’ve been doing some more organization of my galleries for portfolio work and while I’m not entirely happy with how they are organized, I’m not sure of a better way to do things. I don’t particularly want to organize by year, because some years would be much larger than others.  So far in 2023 I’ve […]

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State of the Art – May 2023

I was frankly appalled to realize that it’s been almost a year since I’ve updated or posted anything here on the site.  I’m not sure why I’m so bad at keeping the site active.  I went back and found missing art photos and have uploaded everything, adjusted the galleries, and now I’m making a post. […]

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State of the Art – It’s still May!

I told myself I wanted to do at least one post per month, if not more.  And it’s still May for another few hours, so this totally counts, right? I haven’t been overly active but did manage to finish a few pieces.  One started out fine but then went sideways fairly quickly so I ended […]

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State of the Art, April 2022 – Spillin’ dat tea!

Sounds dramatic, doesn’t it?  “Spillin’ dat tea!” It’s really not, although I guess it could be. I’ve decided to try out tea staining my watercolor paper to see what effect it will have on my paintings. I first heard about this technique when I discovered the artist Tea Kitsune (Instagram | Twitter) but didn’t bother […]

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State of the Art – 7-Feb-2022

I promised myself I’d keep up with the site more, so here’s another post.  It’s about disappointment. I go through phases of creativity.  I’m managing to be more creative even though I let gaming (Final Fantasy XIV) suck up a lot of time.  It’s easy to log into game and “get stuff done” and feel […]

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State of the Art for January 2022

So I’ve finally gotten myself motivated enough to make some changes around the site, update and add missing photos of paintings from previous years, update the galleries to better show my art, and I’m making a blog post.  This is a momentous day! I’m seriously not motivated enough to dig into editing CSS of free […]

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Catching Up – 2018 Art

So as I mentioned last month, I’m trying to catch-up with posting my art from the past two years here on the site instead of just on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter.  Today I’ll do 2018. Looking at the total output of paintings I finished, it wasn’t a very productive year overall, BUT I did […]

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State of the Art – 9/9/2018

So I thought it might be a good idea to revive these semi-regular art updates to let folks know what’s going on (and to make it seem the site isn’t inactive). I’ve slowly been going back through all my posts to update the image links in them. It’s frankly a huge pain to do but […]

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