Catching Up – 2018 Art

So as I mentioned last month, I’m trying to catch-up with posting my art from the past two years here on the site instead of just on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter.  Today I’ll do 2018.

Looking at the total output of paintings I finished, it wasn’t a very productive year overall, BUT I did create art.  I wasn’t totally shut down and sucked into online gaming (which I started back up in December 2017 as stress relief) but neither was I doing art every day either.  I still haven’t arrived as a happy balance and there are days I want to create but get lazy and log on instead.  I’ll figure it out eventually.

Warning!! Image heavy post!

(Gold)Fish and (Jelly(Fish)
January 2018
Sold to private collector

(Gold) Fish and (Jelly) Fish

(Gold) Fish and (Jelly) Fish | Watercolor and ink on paper | 5″ x 7″ | Private Collection | 2018


Next up is Ghosts Rising
January 2018
This one started as me just playing with some color blending and then wanting to try something different.  

Ghosts Rising

Ghosts Rising | Watercolor on paper | 2018


My two donated pieces for the “Art for the Paws” charity auction in support of our local animal shelter where we adopted the current resident, Jasper!

February 2018


Lotus Flower
February 2018

Untitled (1806)

Untitled (1806) | Watercolor and ink on paper | 6″ x 6″ | Paws for the Claws Charity donation | 2018

Lotus Flower

Lotus Flower | Watercolor on paper | 6″ x 6″ | Paws for the Claws Charity donation – Private Collection | 2018


Untitled (I have issues with coming up with titles for my pieces, obviously)
February 2018

Untitled (1811)

Untitled (1811) | Watercolor and ink on paper | 2018


Untitled #3
July 2018
For this one I just wanted to make dots on a random background.  Sounds weird but I follow another artist over on Instagram (my_beautiful_artworks) and I was inspired to try something similar myself.

Untitled #3 | Watercolor and marker on paper


Second to last we have a piece I did a for a postcard swap I participated in.  The organizer collected information from people who wanted to participate, matched folks up and sent out addresses.  The idea is to send a postcard sized piece of art to your match and you’ll get art from who you were matched with.  It wasn’t an exchange, more like a game of telephone.  I love taking part in these kinds of events!

Untitled #4 (see what I mean about titles?)
August 2018

Untitled (Postcard Swap)

Untitled (Postcard Swap) | Watercolor and ink on paper | 2018


And last but certainly not least, the final marked artwork from 2018!

This was the largest piece I’d completed in ages – 11″ by 15″ and it felt huge to me.  I’m very used to working small so stretching out like this really was a stretch for me.  I’m getting more comfortable with working at a larger size now, so that’s good.

September 2018


Growth | Watercolor on paper | 2018


And that’s it for the 2018 update!  I need to write up the posts for 2019 and 2020 as well, but don’t want to overwhelm anyone who comes here looking at anything.  I mean, multiple posts in a week will be enough of a rush, let’s not overdo things quite yet! 

Posted in Art, Real Life.

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