Tag Archives: Watercolors
State of the Art – Week 20
Hey, two weeks in a row! I’m on a roll! And I realized that my idea of time when working on a painting is skewed. I was finishing up today’s piece and thought to myself “This didn’t take too long” but then I looked at the clock and realized I’d been working for almost 2 […]
Continue readingState of the Art – week 19
Seeing as my last State of the Art was back in week 8, I’ve disappeared from updating here for over 2 months. Pathetic. It’s not that I haven’t created any art in that time, but a fair amount was spent in an art funk of some sort that I’ve finally decided to just push through. […]
Continue readingState of the Art for Week 5
So here it is, my first “State of the Art” wrap-up for week 5, aka the week ending January 31. I meant to post this on Monday, but work and not feeling good-ness got to me, so it’s a day late. This week ended the 30-in-30 Painting Challenge hosted by Leslie Saeta that I took […]
Continue reading30-in-30 Challenge – Days 23-26
So I’ve gotten behind again on my daily paintings, but more from doing other work here on the website than from lack of motivation. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve added my own shop here on the site instead of only relying on Etsy for (attempted) sales. And I’ve gotten a bit ambitious working on days […]
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This one is a complete change for me because it includes text. In fact, that’s the whole reason I did this is because I love this phrase from the Pink Floyd song “Time”. Well, I love the whole song but something with this phrase just resonates with me. Day 22 – Something more to say […]
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This one was a quickie, to be honest. I worked on it between doing day 20 and day 22, so I had 3 going at once. Mostly, I wanted a vibrant piece in reds and oranges and yellows, so here it is. Day 21 – Dancing Sun Watercolor on paper, 5.5″ x 6.5″
Continue reading30-in-30 Challenge – Day 20
Posting later in the day, but I ended up reading last night instead of finishing my day 20 painting. That’s all right though, I had the base done so it didn’t take long to finish. This ended up going in a completely different direction that I’d planned though. For some reason, drawing the little flourishes […]
Continue reading30-in-30 Challenge – Day 19
So I’m all caught up and working ahead a bit, which is a good thing. I have day 19 done and ready to be sent out (?!?) and the base for day 20 is drying on the backing as I type this. Day 19 is a two-fer piece. In addition to doing this painting challenge, […]
Continue reading30-in-30 Challenge – Days 15-17
So I’ve been a slacker about posting these the past few days, but I have kept up and done days 15, 16, and 17. Day 15 was actually done on Thursday, but I’m just now getting the photo and editing done. I packed up some supplies and took my work to work with me, painting […]
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