Tag Archives: Watercolors
30-in-30 Challenge – Day 14
If someone were to ask me what my favorite season is, I’d definitely say Autumn. Yes, even when things are brown and everything looks dead, there is still color and beauty to be seen, IMO. Maybe that’s why I tend to like doing Autumn trees. Back to the watercolors, but this one was done with […]
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So I worked ahead this past weekend. Partly because I was just in a creative mood and partly because I wanted to give myself some leeway for relaxing in the evening if I wanted. Day 12 was more about me being a bit silly, which is fine. I just drew some lines on the paper, […]
Continue reading30-in-30 Challenge – Day 11
Technically, it’s still the 11th for another 32 minutes here, so I’ve made it! Although to be honest, I finished this piece yesterday but didn’t edit the photo to post online until this evening. So it’s entirely my fault this has been posted so late. Still, day 11’s piece is one of my favorites so […]
Continue reading30-in-30 Challenge – Day 10
Yes, we’ve reached one third of the way through Leslie Saeta’s 30-in-30 painting challenge. Yay! I’ve only completed 8/10 paintings but I’m still considering this a success so far. I’m trying some new things out for fun, playing around with techniques and styles, and overall enjoying myself quite a bit, and what is art for […]
Continue reading30-in-30 Challenge – Day 8
Yes, I know I missed day 7. I meant to do a piece last night but had personal things come up, so instead we get a day 8 piece. Maybe I’ll go back and do an extra piece at some point, maybe not. Anyways, this piece is probably the closest I’ve come to actually hating […]
Continue reading30-in-30 Challenge – Day 6
Happy Epiphany! So I’m playing catch up from taking the previous night off to worry about my sick dog. Today’s effort isn’t my best. I’m just not feeling it and day 7’s piece isn’t going like I’d like either. I’m not done with that either so it’ll be a late post as well. I’m trying […]
Continue reading30-in-30 Challenge – Day 5
It’s day 5 of the 30-in-30 Painting Challenge hosted by Leslie Saeta and I’m still at it. Sounds strange to say that when it’s not even been a full week yet but sometimes life gets in the way and things fall by the wayside. I don’t plan to let that happen here. Right now I’m […]
Continue reading30-in-30 Challenge – Day 4
I’m continuing with the theme/technique/style that I used yesterday but this time, I used watercolors for the background. I’m not sure if I’ll go back to the gouache this month but I would like to. Today’s piece is actually in (three) pieces, all of them small. I did these as one wash and then added […]
Continue readingWIP – Chaos Leashed
I have a new WIP that I’m still working on. I had to take a break to do a commission for someone but I’ll be back to this piece soon. This one is called “Chaos Leashed” and is made up of nine 6″x6″ squares arranged in a grid. There both an overall design and each […]
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