September 30-in-30 Challenge – Day 13

And here is today’s piece.  I did it at the same time as “Flow” from day 12 but I added lavender bath salts to create a larger texture on the page (and make it smell like lavender!).  I then decided to outline those areas and fill in the background space with lines, using white ink.  I let myself not be perfect here since usually I’d be trying my hardest to make sure all those lines were as straight as possible.  The piece reminds me of lily pads on water.  I really like how this turned out, especially with the addition of the ink.

Day 13 – “Flow II”
Watercolor and white ink on paper
4″ x 6″

Flow II (Day 13)

Flow II | Watercolor and white ink on paper | 4″ x 6″ | 2015

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