30-in-30 Challenge – Day 4

I’m continuing with the theme/technique/style that I used yesterday but this time, I used watercolors for the background.  I’m not sure if I’ll go back to the gouache this month but I would like to. Today’s piece is actually in (three) pieces, all of them small.  I did these as one wash and then added […]

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30-in-30 Challenge – Day 3

I’m a bit late in getting this up, but considering I just finished, it’s right on time. Continuing the theme of “Growth” I did something the same and something different. The same was laying down random layers of gouache and then using plastic and paper towels bits to texture the paint as it dried. I […]

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30-in-30 Challenge – Day 2

While waiting for my day 1 painting to dry, I went ahead and started on day 2’s painting.  I changed my direction a bit because while poking through my mugs holding brushes, pens and pencils, I found my inking nibs.  Well, they’re probably more like calligraphy pens, but whatever.  I’d gotten my yellow ink out […]

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30 paintings in 30 days!

Yikes! After being reminded about Leslie Saeta’s 30-in-30 challenge which started today, I signed up and got started.  I did my first 30-in-30 back in October when I participated in Inktober and enjoyed that quite a bit.  I’m hoping I can push myself more to get 2015 started off on a good foot.  I don’t […]

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2014 in Review

Now that 2015 has arrived, I thought it made sense to do an art review of 2014.  It was the year that I got back into traditional media instead of solely doing digital art.  In fact, I’ve been enjoying using my paints that I’ve done almost no digital art at all this year, except for […]

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WIP – Chaos Leashed

I have a new WIP that I’m still working on.  I had to take a break to do a commission for someone but I’ll be back to this piece soon. This one is called “Chaos Leashed” and is made up of nine 6″x6″ squares arranged in a grid.  There both an overall design and each […]

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INKtober 2014 Wrap Up

So I decided to take part in INKtober this year and found that I really enjoyed the “formal” structure of doing an ink drawing a day.  Or at least attempting to do a drawing a day.  I ended up with 22 total pieces out of 31 days, which isn’t too bad.  I didn’t try to […]

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And the Stars, Like Grains of Sand

Another instance of not knowing where my titles come from.  The reference is to a Science Fiction classic (which I’ve oddly not read) by Samuel R. Delaney, Stars in my Pocket like Grains of Sand.  This is a merger between my Sun and Moon series and my Retro Circles series, plus it was rather fun […]

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Lady Sings the Blues (Retro Circles series)

Naming this piece was easy.  Sometimes I have trouble, sometimes the name just comes to me without a problem. “Lady Sings the Blues”Retro Circles seriesWatercolor and pen on paper, 7.5″ x 9″

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